East West Canvas

A Kolkata based instrumental band

East west canvas, a Kolkata based instrumental band is all set to enrapture audience with their performances if you are looking out for pure music that is free from specification, a music that is liberated from the mould of categorization as traditional or western , a soul surging music that’s leads you to a thought free state to become one with it, then lend your ears to East West Canvas.

This band is a brain child of Pt. sandip chatterjee , awell known santoor maestro of Kolkata . this band is strongly based on the influence of Indian classical and western music which has been molded by modern soundscape of folk , ambient ,trance, new age and many others. It is truly a fusion in it’s own sense! The melody and music is not only electronic but also includes acoustic flavor of ambient instrumentalization which adds up to strong live performing section .the band truly believes in “ inspiration” as the word is meant to be. The compositions are layered over with drums and keys which are inspired by other serior and likeminded musicians who has helped the tree leads to learn and grown immensely with the change in the music trends.

East West canvas since has performed at various premiere world music festivals across the globe. A few of them being ,rasa centre for world music, martova folk festival , les oriental music festival, brunei music society , music guimet , tarab tanger music festival, fimu world music festival, borneo music showcase, sifas music festival, folly bowel music festival, ciaxa forum music festival.

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